This guy had a good idea - join the iOS Tutorial Team!

This guy had a good idea - join the iOS Tutorial Team!
This is just a quick announcement to let you know we are looking for some more members of the iOS Tutorial Team.
The reason is because most of the iOS Tutorial Team is currently busy working on a top-secret project together :]
But we still want to get the weekly tutorial vote topics written, so we need some help!
Why Should I Join?
There’s lots of great reasons to write tutorials on the iOS Tutorial Team:
Good exposure! This site currently gets 430K+ pageviews/month, so your tutorial will be seen and enjoyed by a wide audience.
Editing assistance. I work individually with each tutorial writer to help get the tutorial up to the high quality guidelines we aim for on this site. I’ll work with you on a line-by-line level to make sure your tutorial shines – and it might even help you become a better technical writer!
Artwork assistance. My lovely wife Vicki will make you any artwork you need to make the tutorial extra special. See her free art packs for some examples!
Good learning experience. Ask any tutorial writer and they will tell you that writing tutorials is one of the best learning experiences you can have. Even if you think you really know a subject, you’ll learn a ton by writing a tutorial about it!
Gives back to the community. We are lucky to have an amazing app dev community, and this is one way you can give back some of your knowledge!
Unique opportunities. You might find some doors opened for you on the iOS Tutorial Team. I forward contracting opportunities to the team, you are eligible to sell tutorials and starter kits on the store, and sometimes special projects arise (like the one we are working together on now!)
You get paid! We pay $100 per tutorial – so yes, you can actually get paid for learning! :]
How Can I Join?
There are two ways to join the iOS Tutorial Team:
Via the waiting list. Anyone can join the iOS Tutorial Team waiting list immediately – just contact me and I’ll put you on there.
Any time we need a tutorial and the iOS Tutorial Team can’t cover it, I’ll offer it to volunteers on the waiting list. In the event more than one person volunteers, I’ll choose the person with the most experience. If you are chosen and write the tutorial, you’ll be paid $100 and made a full member of the iOS Tutorial Team!
Via an unsolicited tutorial. Another way in is you can write an unpaid tutorial on a topic of your choosing (but it’s probably best to contact me first and make sure it’s something of interest to the readers here).
Note the tutorial must be a tutorial not published anywhere else.
If the tutorial reaches our quality guidelines and is published to the site, you’ll be made a full member of the iOS Tutorial Team and eligible to write paid tutorials!
By The Way…
…we are currently specifically looking for someone to write “How To Make A Multi-directional Scrolling Shooter”, so if you are interested in writing this please let me know!
Update: This is claimed, thanks!
What Are You Waiting For?
There’s no real drawback to signing up to the iOS Tutorial Team waiting list – you have no obligation to write anything unless something sounds good! So if you think you might be interested please contact me now! :]