Updates for iOS 5 by Tutorials and iOS Apprentice!

Updates for iOS 5 by Tutorials and iOS Apprentice!
This is just a quick note about two exciting updates we have for the iOS Apprentice and iOS 5 by Tutorials.
The quick synopsis:
iOS Apprentice: Fully updated for Xcode 4.3, and now in PDF format as well!
iOS 5 by Tutorials: Mobi and Epub formats now available free to current PDF customers!
Keep reading to learn how to get these updates!
The iOS Apprentice
The iOS Apprentice was previously written for Xcode 4.2, but Xcode 4.3 introduced some minor changes to some of the templates (among a few other things) that were confusing to beginners.
So Matthijs has released a new version that is fully up-to-date with Xcode 4.3!
In addition, the iOS Apprentice now comes in PDF format in addition to HTML format, by popular request.
If you’ve already purchased the iOS Apprentice, you can find the latest links in the iOS Apprentice private forums:
If you do not have access to these forums, you can sign up here.
Are you a newsletter subscriber who have not yet purchased the iOS Apprentice? Don’t worry, we will send the updated download link for the free iOS Apprentice Tutorial 1: Getting Started in next month’s newsletter.
iOS 5 by Tutorials

We are pleased to announce a surprise gift for iOS 5 by Tutorials PDF customers – you can get the book in Epub and Mobi format at no additional charge!
This way, you can choose whichever format works best for your reading (PDF, Epub, or Mobi).
If you’ve already purchased iOS 5 by Tutorials, you can find the new download links in the iOS 5 by Tutorials private forum:
If you do not have access to these forums, you can sign up here.
Note that the print version and PDF bundle are completely separate products, for sale separately.
Thank You!
Thanks again to everyone who has purchased the iOS Apprentice or iOS 5 by Tutorials, and we hope you are enjoying the books! :]