Now let’s add some gold coins for you to pickup. First we have to create the gold coin, using the same technique we used to create the puck and paddle, I am going to name it “PickupGood”.

Now let’s create the code that randomly distributes this item.
var pickupGood:Sprite;
private function addPickupGood(){
var edgePadding:Number = stage.stageWidth/40;
pickupGood = new PickupGood() as Sprite;
pickupGood.x = Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth-edgePadding) + edgePadding;
pickupGood.y = Math.random() * (stage.stageHeight-edgePadding) + edgePadding;
this.addChild( pickupGood );
Then add this line to the constructor to add the pickup the first time:
Now we need to add the hit detection code for the pickups. Add this code in the update function:
// Hit detection for pickups
if( hockeyPuck.hitTestObject( pickupGood ) ){
// increase the score
currentScore.text = String(levelScore);
currentScore.setTextFormat( new TextFormat("Arial", stage.stageWidth * 0.1, 0x000000, "bold") );
// remove this pickup from the screen
this.removeChild( pickupGood );
pickupGood = null;
// add a new pickup
This code checks if the puck has hit the pickup. If it does it increases the score, as well as spawning a new pickup.
Guess what - you're done! Hit Command+Enter to see the final game result:

Where To Go From Here?
Here is the final example project with all of the code from the above tutorial.
Congratulations, you now know the basics of developing a simple iPhone game with Flash CS5.5!
Here's some great resources to learn more about Flash from here:
Hope you enjoy playing around with Flash, and I hope to see some Flash-developed games from you guys in the App Store! In the meantime, if you have any questions about Flash CS 5 for iPhone development or comments or questions on this tutorial, please join the forum discussion below!
This is a tutorial by iOS Tutorial Team member Russell Savage, the founder of Dented Pixel, a creative development company. He recently released its first app - Princess Piano - and he is currently hard at work on several new projects.