Looking for Employee #1 at raywenderlich.com!
Update 2/2/13: We are happy to announce that we have filled the Employee #1 position with an amazing developer and author. Welcome, Brian Moakley! As you know, we are working hard to keep improving this site and make it even more amazing for developers across the world. But to keep growing and improving, we need […] By Ray Wenderlich.
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Looking for Employee #1 at raywenderlich.com!
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2) Tutorial Team Members
Join the Tutorial Team!
If you’d like to help out this site on a more part-time/informal basis, you should consider joining the Tutorial Team!
We already have a bunch of great people on the Tutorial Team, but we could always use more talented writers.
I have to warn you, though – we’re getting pretty selective for who comes aboard. At this point, we are only looking for advanced-level developers with particularly good writing skills to join the team.
Here are some examples of advanced-level topics we’re currently looking for authors to explore:
- How to Make an App Like Paper
- Fluid Simulation in Cocos2D Tutorial
- Core Data + iCloud: Beginning to Advanced
- Artificial Intelligence in Games Tutorial Series
- Developing the Server Side of a Newsstand App
If you feel you have sufficient experience to write on one of these subjects (or a topic of similar complexity), Tutorial Team membership might be for you!
There is no better place to write tutorials on the Internet than raywenderlich.com.
Here’s why – by joining the Tutorial Team, you’ll receive the following benefits (in addition to learning & helping others, of course!):
- Eyeballs. This site gets a ton of traffic – as mentioned earlier, over 1.6 million pageviews per month and growing! When you publish a tutorial here, it will get read a lot, and people will love you for it. They will tweet your post, comment it on the forums, and give you feedback. You can be sure that a lot of people will notice and enjoy your hard work.
- Tutorial Polish. When you submit a tutorial to raywenderlich.com, we will personally work with you to polish your tutorials to a high level of quality. Your tutorial will go through three edit passes: a tech edit, an edit, and a final pass edit. In the end, your tutorial will look much better than when you first submitted it, making you look really good! :]
- Writing Training. When we are done editing your tutorial, we will send you detailed feedback on how you can improve your tutorials in the future. This will help make you a better developer and writer.
- Personal Exposure. At the end of any tutorial you write, you can include your picture and a link to any site you would like for exposure (example). In addition, your will be featured on the About page, the raywenderlich.com Team Twitter list, and even the sidebar of the site!
- Money! The first tutorial you write to join the Tutorial Team is not paid, but after that you will be paid for your tutorials as long as you stay on the Tutorial Team. We offer the highest rates in the industry.
- Special Opportunities. Members of the Tutorial Team get access to opportunities not available to anyone else, such as contributing to our books and products, writing starter kits, working on team projects, and much more.
- Contracting Opportunities. Members of the Tutorial Team share contracting opportunities we hear about with the rest of the team – a great way to find out about more work.
- Free Stuff! And as a final bonus, joining the Tutorial Team will get you a lot of free stuff! You’ll get a free copy of all of the products we sell on the site, and some license codes for some popular development tools – over $250 in value total!
Think this sounds like a good match for you? Skip to the end of this post to find out how to apply!
3) A Technical Editor
Wanna be a tech editor?
And last but not least, we have one more position we’re looking to fill – a technical editor.
To see if this is a good match for you, ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you an experienced iOS developer who enjoys learning new things?
- Do you have an eye for detail?
- Do you enjoy helping people learn and improve as developers and writers?
- Are you dependable, responsible, and a hard worker?
If you said yes to most of these questions, you might be the person we’re looking for! :]
As a tech editor, you’ll make the first edit pass on tutorials submitted to this site. You’ll take a “hands on/value added” approach, actively testing and improving the tutorial so it reaches the high level of quality we expect.
As a technical editor, you’d:
- Learn a ton. Being a technical editor forces you to carve out learning time in your schedule, which can be difficult to do otherwise, due to the demands of a day job!
- Have a huge impact on the site. Through your editing, you’d have a huge impact on each tutorial you worked on, helping authors to be better writers and our readers to better understand the material. You’ll love comparing the “before” and “after” to see what a difference you made!
- Get a lot of exposure. You’d receive exposure through the site similar to a Tutorial Team member, as explained in the previous section. Even better, you’d get to know each member of the Tutorial Team, their experience level and writing style, and work with me more closely than just about anyone else. These contacts may prove to be invaluable!
- Get access to special opportunities. We occasionally come out with books and starter kits on this site, and where do you think we look for technical editors for those? :]
- Get a ton of free stuff. As mentioned in the previous section, you’ll get a ton of free stuff by being a technical editor, including all of the products we sell on the site as long as you stay on the team!
- Get paid! We may not pay as well as iOS contracting work, but we do pay a significant amount for each tech edit performed. So basically, you’re getting paid to learn! :]
If you think you might be a good candidate for technical editor, skip to the end of this post to find out how to apply!