Core Image Tutorial: Getting Started

Learn the basics of cool image filtering effects with Core Image and Swift. By Nick Lockwood.

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Getting Photos from the Photo Album

Now that you can change the values of the filter on the fly, things are starting to get real interesting! But what if you don’t care for this image of flowers? Next you’ll set up a UIImagePickerController so you can get pictures from out of the photo album and into your app so you can play with them.

You need to create a button that will bring up the photo album view, so open up Main.storyboard, drag in a button to the bottom right of the scene, and label it “Photo Album”. As before, use Auto Layout to Reset to Suggested Constraints. The button should be underneath the slider on the right side.

Make sure the Assistant Editor is visible and displaying ViewController.swift, then control-drag from the button down to just above the closing } for the ViewController class. Set the Connection to Action, the name to loadPhoto, make sure that the Event is set to Touch Up Inside, and click Connect.

Implement the loadPhoto method as follows:

@IBAction func loadPhoto(sender : AnyObject) {
  let pickerC = UIImagePickerController()
  pickerC.delegate = self
  self.presentViewController(pickerC, animated: true, completion: nil)

The first line of code instantiates a new UIImagePickerController. You then set the delegate of the image picker to self (the ViewController).

You get a warning here. You need to declare that ViewController conforms to the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate and UINavigationControllerDelegate protocols.

Still in ViewController.swift, change the class definition at the top of the file as follows:

class ViewController: UIViewController, UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate {

Now implement the following method:

func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController!, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: NSDictionary!) {
  self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil);

This UIImagePickerControllerDelegate method isn’t completed yet – it’s just a placeholder to log some information about the chosen image. Note that whenever you implement any of the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate methods, you have to dismiss the UIImagePickerController explicitly in your implementation. If you don’t, then you’ll just stare at the image picker forever!

Build and run the app, and tap the button. It will bring up the image picker with the photos in your photo album.

If you are running this in the simulator, you probably won’t have any photos. On the simulator (or on a device without a camera), you can use Safari to save images to your photo album. Open Safari, find an image, tap and hold, and you’ll get an option to save that image. Next time you run your app, it will appear in your photo library.

Here’s what you should see in the console after you’ve selected an image (something like this):

UIImagePickerControllerMediaType = "public.image";
UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage = " size {1165, 770} orientation 0 scale 1.000000";
UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL = "assets-library://asset/asset.PNG?id=DCFE1435-2C01-4820-9182-40A69B48EA67&ext=PNG";

Note that it has an entry in the dictionary for the “original image” selected by the user. This is what you want to pull out and filter!

Now that you’ve got a way to select an image, how do you use that as your beginImage?

Simple, just update the delegate method to look like this:

func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController!, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: NSDictionary!) {
  self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil);

  let gotImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as UIImage

  beginImage = CIImage(image:gotImage)
  filter.setValue(beginImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)

You need to create a new CIImage from your selected photo. You can get the UIImage representation of the photo by finding it in the dictionary of values, under the UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage key constant. Note that it’s better to use a constant for this, rather than a hardcoded string, because Apple could change the name of the key in the future.

You need to convert the image into a CIImage object with the CIImage(image:) constructor. You then set the key in the filter dictionary so that the input image is the new CIImage you just created.

The last line may seem odd. Remember how I pointed out that the code in changeValue ran the filter with the latest value and updated the image view with the result?

Well you need to do that again, so you can just call changeValue. Even though the slider value hasn’t changed, you can still use that method’s code to get the job done. You could break that code into its own method (and if you were going to be working with more complexity, you would, to avoid confusion), but in this case your purpose is served by re-using the amountSliderValueChanged method. Pass in the amountSlider as the sender so that it has the correct value to use.

Build and run, and now you’ll be able to update any image from your photo album!

What if you create the perfect sepia image, how do you hold on to it? You could take a screenshot, but the proper way is to save the filtered photo back into the photo album.

Saving to Photo Album

To save to the photo album, you need to use the AssetsLibrary framework. Add the following import statement to the top of ViewController.swift:

import AssetsLibrary

One thing you should know is that when you save a photo to the album, it may take a few seconds, and that process could continue even after you close the app.

This could be a problem, as the GPU stops whatever it’s doing when you switch from one app to another. If the photo hasn’t finished saving, it won’t be there when you go looking for it later!

The solution to this is to use a CPU-based CIContext for rendering. The default behavior is to use the GPU because it’s much faster, and you don’t want to slow down the filtering performance for the sake of adding save functionality. Instead, you will create a second CIContext to use for saving the image. Note that the software renderer won’t work properly in the simulator.

Add a new button to your app that will let you save the photo you are currently modifying with all the changes you’ve made. Open Main.storyboard, add a new button labeled “Save to Album”. Place the button under the slider on the left side, and add the suggested constraints.

Then connect it to a new savePhoto(sender:) method, like you did last time, and implement the method as follows:

@IBAction func savePhoto(sender: AnyObject) {
    // 1
    let imageToSave = filter.outputImage
    // 2
    let softwareContext = CIContext(options:[kCIContextUseSoftwareRenderer: true])

    // 3
    let cgimg = softwareContext.createCGImage(imageToSave, fromRect:imageToSave.extent())
    // 4
    let library = ALAssetsLibrary()

In this code block you:

  1. Get the CIImage output from the filter.
  2. Create a new, software based CIContext that uses the CPU renderer.
  3. Generate the CGImage.
  4. Save the CGImage to the photo library.

Build and run the app (remember to run on an actual device, since you’re using software rendering), and now you can save that “perfect image” to your photo library so it’s preserved forever!

Nick Lockwood


Nick Lockwood


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