Mar 26 2021 by Chris Belanger

Stop Asian Hate. stands with Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities.

As a company and community, we condemn racism, xenophobia, hate crimes, and misogyny in all forms. We condemn the terrible acts of violence that have targeted the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in recent years, and in particular, the recent horrific events in Georgia on March 17.

As a community, we’re saddened, angered, and sickened that people still live in fear because of their origin, their appearance, or simply because of who they are. Our goal as a community has always been to create a friendly and inclusive community of developers and educators. And yet, we know that passively providing a safe community where everyone can contribute is not enough. Effecting change is, and always has been, achieved through speaking up, not through silence.

As a company, and as a community, we know that there is still work to be done in combating hate in society, and in particular, anti-Asian hate. We also know that this work requires several key things:

  • Education, to change our views, our beliefs, and to spread that education to our circles of influence;
  • Bravery, to speak up and take action when we see anti-Asian sentiment or discrimination;
  • Amplification, to give voice and weight to the stories and advice coming from within the AAPI community and their allies.

The rash of hate-driven events over the past year has given us time to pause and reflect on how we operate as an organization and a community.

These events brought about a series of open-discussion workshops inside our organization. They’ve effected changes to the way in which we recruit team members. They’ve also led us to re-examine our own personal beliefs and actions as we move through this world. We’ll continue these efforts, as there will always be more things to think about, more people to listen to, and more work to be done.

We stand in solidarity with the Asian-American community. We believe that diversity makes everyone and everything stronger; we believe that we are stronger united than when divided; and we believe that together, we can create a world where all people are welcomed and supported equally without bias or discrimination.

If you’re wondering where to start, the following collection of anti-Asian violence resources to promote allyship, reporting of hate events, eye-opening statistics, mental health resources, further social media resources and more has proved useful for many. We believe that all good change in this world starts with education.

Razeware and the team