What’s New in Unity 5: Summary

In this article, you’ll give an overview of some of the new shiny features in Unity 5. By Brian Moakley.

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What Wasn’t Covered?

A whole lot of things.

For example, for Unity 2D users, we now have effectors that apply physics in various different ways, depending on the effector. A area effector works like a conveyer belt, pushing objects away from it. Unity also provides Frame Debugging now, allowing you to see all the draws calls in a particular frame. Skyboxes have been completely reworked and the list goes on and on.

If you are interested in reading all the changes, then do yourself a favor in check out the release notes. You won’t be disappointed.

The key issue to keep in mind: Unity 5 isn’t a point release masquerading with a higher version number, this is the next evolution of the platform. If you are currently using Unity 4, especially doing 3D game development, then it’s time to make the jump.

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Just a quick note of caution … make sure to always backup your project before starting Unity 5. Unity has to process your older projects to make them compatible with Unity 5. I’ve heard some accounts of this breaking projects. I’m also not sure if you can back port to Unity 4, so make a backup before you take the plunge.

And yes … you can run Unity 4 along with Unity 5. If you are using a Mac, rename your Unity 4 folder to something other than Unity. I call it Unity46. Then, download the new Unity installer. That way, you can still manage Unity 4 and Unity 5 projects from the same machine.

Where to Go From Here?

Although just recently released, there are a lot of resources already available for Unity 5. Unity has a great article on Global Illumination over here. They also produced a great video on Mastering Physical Based Shading for Unity last year. Unity has produced an excellent tutorial video demonstrating the new Audio Mixer. They also have a great video detailing on the changes in the animator.

And of course, check out their GDC conference and a Unity 5 demo to get a real sense of the new features.

Also, keep checking back here as we will be posting new Unity 5 tutorials.

It’s a great time to be a game developer. Now enough reading, go on and make your game! :]