New Course: Programming in Kotlin

Take a deep dive into the Kotlin programming language itself and learn about Kotlin types, flow control, functions, classes, properties, lambdas, collections, nullables, methods, and much more. By Kevin D Moore.

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It’s day 2 of the Android Avalanche: an event where we’ll be releasing new Android and Kotlin books, courses, and screencasts every day!

Today, we are releasing a brand new course: Programming in Kotlin. If you’ve completed Your First Kotlin Android App, or are just interested in learning Kotlin, the new course is for you.

In this massive 74-video course by Kevin Moore, you’ll take a deep dive into the Kotlin programming language itself. Through a series of hands-on exercises and challenges, you’ll learn how to use Kotlin types, flow control, functions, classes, properties, lambdas, collections, nullables, methods, and much more.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside.

Part 1: Core Concepts

In part one, review the core concepts of Kotlin from Your First Kotlin Android App, and pick up a few more.

  1. Introduction: Find out what we’ll cover in this course, what you’ll learn in the first part, and why it’s important.
  2. Using IntelliJ: Install IntelliJ IDEA, then take a tour of the IDE and create your first project.
  3. Kotlin Basics: Review the Kotlin basics that were covered in Your First Kotlin Android App.
  4. Comments: Learn the various ways to add comments to your Kotlin code – a useful way to document your work or add notes for future reference.
  5. Pair and Triple: Learn about two classes, Pair and Triple, and when to use each.
  6. Challenge: Pair and Triple: Practice using Pairs & Triples on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  7. Booleans: Review the Kotlin Boolean type and try it out for yourself.
  8. Challenge: Booleans: Practice using Booleans on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  9. Scope: Learn what the concept of scope means in Kotlin, and how it applies to if statements.
  10. Conclusion: Let’s review where you are with your Kotlin core concepts, and discuss what’s next.

Part 2: Flow Control

In the second part, learn a few different ways to master flow control in Kotlin.

  1. Introduction:  Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.
  2. While Loops:  Learn how to make Kotlin repeat your code multiple times with while loops, repeat while loops, and break statements.
  3. Challenge: While Loops:  Practice using while loops on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  4. For Loops:  Learn how to use for loops in Kotlin, along with ranges, continue, and labeled statements.
  5. Challenge: For Loops:  Practice using for loops on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  6. When Expressions:   Learn how to use when expressions in Kotlin, including some of its more powerful features.
  7. Challenge: When Expressions:  Practice using when expressions on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  8. Conclusion:  Let’s review what you learned in this section, and discuss what’s next.

Part 3: Functions and Nullables

In part 3, you’ll learn about functions and one of the most important aspect of Kotlin: nullables.

  1. Introduction:  Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.
  2. Introduction to Functions:  Write your own functions in Kotlin, and see for yourself how Kotlin makes them easy to use.
  3. Challenge: Introduction to Functions:   Practice writing functions on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  4. More Functions:  Learn some more advanced features of functions, such as overloading, and functions as variables.
  5. Introduction to Nullables:  Learn about one of the most important aspects of Kotlin development – nullables – through a fun analogy.
  6. Challenge: Introduction to Nullables: Practice using Nullables on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  7. More Nullables:  Learn how to unwrap Nullables, force unwrap Nullables, and use the let statement.
  8. Challenge: More Nullables:  Practice working with Nullables on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  9. Conclusion:  Let’s review where you are with your Kotlin core concepts, and discuss what’s next.

Part 4: Collections

Try out different types of collections in Kotlin, and learn when to use each.

  1. Introduction:  Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.
  2. Arrays:  Learn how to use arrays in Kotlin to store an ordered list of values.
  3. Challenge: Arrays:   Practice using arrays on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  4. Lists:  Learn how to use Lists in Kotlin to store an ordered collection of data.
  5. Challenge: Lists:  Practice using Lists on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  6. Maps:  Learn how to use Maps in Kotlin to store a mapped collection of data.
  7. Challenge: Maps:  Practice using Maps on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  8. Which Collection to Use?:  Find out which collection you should use in a given situation.
  9. Mutable vs. Immutable:  Learn the difference between the two types of collections.
  10. Conclusion:  Let’s review what you learned in this part of the course, and find out what’s next.

Part 5: Lambdas

In part 5, learn how to use lambdas and generics.

  1. Introduction:  Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.
  2. Higher-order vs. Lambdas:  Learn the difference between lambdas and Higher-order functions.
  3. Syntax:   Learn about the syntax needed to write lambdas.
  4. Challenge: Lambdas:  Practice using Lambdas, through a hands-on challenge.
  5. Generics:  Find out what generics are in regards to collections.
  6. Challenge: Generics:  Practice creating Generics on your own, through a hands-on challenge.
  7. Collection Methods:  Learn how to use lambdas with collection methods.
  8. Conclusion:  Let’s review everything you learned in this part of the course, and discuss what’s next.

Part 6: Classes

Learn about how to create your own classes and find out when you should subclass.

  1. Introduction:  Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.
  2. Creation:  Create classes using both primary and secondary constructors.
  3. Initializers:   Learn how the init method is used in Kotlin.
  4. Challenge: Creation:  Practice creating classes and understanding when to use, through a hands-on challenge.
  5. Inheritance:  Learn about the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, hierarchy checks, overrides, and super.
  6. When Should You Subclass?:  Learn when you should subclass, and when you shouldn’t.
  7. Data Classes:  Find out what data classes are and how to use them.
  8. Challenge: Data:  Practice creating your own data classes, through a hands-on challenge.
  9. Conclusion:  Let’s review everything you learned in this part of the course, and discuss what’s next.


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